CASBE is an independent alliance of councils in Victoria, operating under the auspices of the Municipal Association of Victoria. We’re here to make a difference to the sustainability of our built environment, through the Victorian planning process.
CASBE provides a forum for the exchange of information, and ideas on innovation and best practice in Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD). By doing this, we’re able to effectively represent and advocate the collective views of our member councils, strengthen partnerships and provide thought leadership in ESD policy and practice.
Our focus is on applying ESD principles to the built environment through the statutory planning system.
Our local, ground-up approach has resulted in a highly successful platform for networking and the exchange of new ideas. Through its work, CASBE has forged valuable partnerships between councils, relevant agencies and the development industry.
CASBE is guided by the CASBE Steering Committee, which is comprised of one representative from each member council. This is the decision-making forum for the group, meeting three times a year to provide strategic, financial and project direction.
A complete list of our members can be found here.
“CASBE is the group that brings all of our councils together who want to create sustainable buildings.”
“It’s not about any one council achieving this by themselves. It’s about creating systemic change. The benefits of that impacts the infrastructure that all the councils in Victoria share. “
“CASBE brings all of the knowledge of those councils together to have one voice. And because there’s one voice we are much stronger.”
Photos from top:
Eastern Innovation Business Centre, Mulgrave. Architect: City of Monash , Photography: Cloud 9 Photography.
CASBE Developer Discussion. Photography: CASBE